3. Scaling and Flaking: The Unwanted Shedding of Skin

Scaling and flaking are common symptoms of ringworm infections, and they usually occur around the outer edges of the circular rash. The affected skin may appear dry, rough, and cracked, with flakes of skin easily coming off when touched or rubbed.
This symptom is primarily caused by the dermatophyte’s growth on the outer layer of the skin, which leads to an increased rate of skin cell turnover. As a result, the skin’s surface becomes thickened and flaky.
To help manage scaling and flaking, it is essential to maintain good skin hygiene by washing the affected area daily with a gentle soap and water. After washing, the skin should be thoroughly dried, as moisture can encourage fungal growth. Over-the-counter antifungal creams or ointments may also be applied to the infected area, as they can help to reduce fungal growth and alleviate scaling.
In some cases, healthcare professionals may prescribe stronger antifungal medications if over-the-counter treatments are not effective. It is crucial to follow the prescribed treatment plan and complete the entire course of medication to prevent the infection from returning. (3)