8. Odor: The Unpleasant Smell Associated with Fungal Infections

In some cases, ringworm infections may produce an unpleasant odor. This smell is often described as musty or moldy and is caused by the metabolic byproducts of the dermatophyte. Odor may be more pronounced in areas where moisture is trapped, such as between the toes or in skin folds.
To help manage odor, it is important to keep the infected area clean and dry, as moisture can encourage fungal growth and worsen the smell. Washing the affected area daily with a gentle soap and water can help to reduce odor, and thoroughly drying the skin after washing is crucial. In addition, wearing breathable, moisture-wicking clothing and changing socks regularly can help to minimize moisture and odor in the infected area.
Over-the-counter antifungal creams or ointments should be applied to the infected area to help reduce fungal growth and alleviate odor. If the odor persists or worsens despite at-home treatments, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment. (8)