Risk Factor 3: Dietary Concerns – Salt, Preservatives, and More

The modern age has ushered in convenience at our fingertips, especially in our diets. Processed foods, with their long shelf lives and ease of preparation, dominate our diets. But these come at a cost. Often, they’re teeming with chemicals, high salt content, and additives, all of which have repercussions on our stomach health.
While salt flavors our dishes, in excess, it becomes a health hazard. High salt diets can cause inflammation in the stomach lining. Repeated inflammation can become chronic, laying the groundwork for malignant growths in the stomach over time.
Preservatives, particularly nitrates found in processed meats, can be harmful when consumed regularly. They can disrupt the stomach’s natural pH balance, leading to conditions like gastritis. This continued disruption and the resultant damage to the stomach lining can be a precursor for cancer.
Diet plays a monumental role in our overall health and, specifically, in the context of gastric cancer. Being mindful of what we eat, opting for fresh over processed when possible, and moderating our salt intake are steps in the right direction. (3)