Risk Factor 7: The Importance of Staying Active

The benefits of regular exercise are vast, ranging from cardiovascular health to mental well-being. But there’s another crucial advantage – a reduced risk of various cancers, including gastric cancer. Staying active boosts the body’s defense mechanisms and ensures optimal functioning of the digestive system.
An active lifestyle promotes efficient digestion and quick passage of food through the stomach, reducing its exposure to harmful agents. Regular exercise also ensures healthy body weight, reducing the risk of obesity, which has been directly linked with stomach cancer.
One doesn’t need to be a marathon runner or an elite athlete to reap the benefits of staying active. Simple activities, like brisk walking, cycling, or even gardening, can make a world of difference. The key is consistency and ensuring that the body stays in motion, even if it’s just a little every day.
The age-old adage, “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” rings true here. Exercise not only keeps gastric cancer at bay but promotes holistic well-being. In the battle against potential health risks, the role of consistent physical activity cannot be overstated. (7)