Scratching the Surface: Top 10 Causes of Itchy Skin Rashes

Cause 4: Psoriasis – The Persistent Plaques

Psoriasis – The Persistent Plaques

A silent yet significant player in causing itchy skin rashes is Psoriasis. A chronic autoimmune condition, Psoriasis causes an accelerated buildup of skin cells, leading to scaling on the skin’s surface. These scales typically manifest as bumpy red patches covered with white scales. Often these patches can become itchy and painful, making it more than just a cosmetic concern.

Psoriasis typically begins in adults, and its onset is caused by an overactive immune system. In simple terms, your body mistakenly starts a cycle of accelerated skin growth. The skin cells are pushed to the surface before they’re ready because they’re produced so rapidly. This results in the buildup that forms the patches characteristic of this condition.

Notably, psoriasis is not just a one-size-fits-all condition; it comes in various forms. Plaque psoriasis is the most common, but there are also forms like guttate psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, and inverse psoriasis, each with its own unique set of symptoms and appearances.

Living with psoriasis can be challenging, given its persistent nature. The condition often involves periods of flares, where symptoms worsen, followed by times of remission where symptoms improve or disappear. Stress, cold weather, and infections are common triggers for psoriasis flares. (4)

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