Scratching the Surface: Top 10 Causes of Itchy Skin Rashes

Cause 6: Heat Rash – The Hot Spot

Heat Rash – The Hot Spot

Summertime is often synonymous with fun and frolic, but it can also bring along some unwanted guests – heat rashes. Heat rash, also known as prickly heat or miliaria, is an itchy skin condition that often occurs in hot, humid weather. It’s more common in infants, but adults can suffer from it too, particularly those living in tropical climates.

Heat rash occurs when sweat ducts become blocked and sweat can’t escape to the skin’s surface. The trapped sweat leads to inflammation, which causes the itchy rash. This rash typically manifests as clusters of tiny blisters or bumps and can cause significant discomfort.

Interestingly, heat rash is not only brought on by environmental heat but can also occur due to overdressing. Hence, dressing appropriately for the weather and your activities can help prevent this pesky condition.

The areas of your body most likely to be affected by heat rash are those where skin touches skin, such as the armpits, the crooks of elbows, and the groin. It can also appear along the neck and upper chest, areas often covered by clothing. (6)

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