Sjögren’s Syndrome 101: 15 Key Takeaways and Facts

11. Digestive Dilemmas in Sjögren’s Syndrome: More than Just a Dry Mouth

Digestive Dilemmas in Sjögren's Syndrome More than Just a Dry Mouth

A narrative on Sjögren’s syndrome would be incomplete without touching upon its gastrointestinal implications. Beyond the characteristic dry mouth, which can make swallowing a task, other digestive dilemmas lurk beneath the surface.

For starters, reduced saliva production has a domino effect. Saliva isn’t merely a lubricant; it initiates digestion, breaking down food even before it reaches the stomach. With less of it, the digestive process can become compromised from the get-go.

Furthermore, the esophagus might rebel, with some patients describing a sensation akin to food ‘sticking’ on its way down. This esophageal dysmotility can range from a mild annoyance to a pronounced discomfort, affecting mealtime enjoyment. (11)

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