4. Chest Pain: A Worrying Heartbeat Away

Switching gears again, let’s delve into another alarming symptom—chest pain. Now, chest pain is a bit of a catch-all term in the medical world. It could mean anything from indigestion to heart trouble, but in the context of a Solitary Fibrous Tumor, this isn’t your everyday discomfort or stress-related twinge.
An SFT lodged in the pleura may exert pressure on the chest wall. The chest wall is a highly sensitive area filled with nerves and muscles that are quick to sound the alarm when something’s awry. This pressure manifests as localized pain that, more often than not, doesn’t subside with a change in position or rest.
Interestingly, the pain may not always be in the same spot. Depending on the size and location of the tumor, you might experience different intensities and areas of discomfort. One day, it might be a sharp, stabbing pain near your heart that makes you sit up and take notice. The next day, it might be a dull ache that’s easier to ignore but just as concerning. (4)