Symptom 9: A Heartbeat That Marches to Its Own Drum: Rapid Heart Rate

A child’s heart usually beats like a little hummingbird, fast and energetic, a mirror of their ceaseless activity. But what if the rhythm is off? What if the heartbeat is racing, even when they’re at rest? This could be a sign that something’s off with their thyroid gland, and it may be a sign indicating thyroid cancer.
Have you ever noticed your child’s heartbeat? Maybe when you’re cuddling them close or in a quiet moment when they’ve finally wound down from their endless whirl of activity. You’re used to the rapid thump-thump-thump, a staccato rhythm that’s almost comforting in its normalcy. But then you notice something off – the beat is too fast, too frenzied.
This isn’t about the adrenaline-fueled heart racing that happens after a soccer game or a run around the playground. This is about a heart rate that doesn’t slow down, that’s going a mile a minute even when your child is at rest. It’s as if their heart is on a marathon without a finish line in sight.
A rapid heart rate can be a stealthy symptom. It’s not something that a child can easily express or explain. It’s not an ache or a pain, but something that’s just a little off. Yet, the implications can be significant. An uncharacteristically high heart rate can impact a child’s sleep, their ability to concentrate, and even their energy levels.
So, what causes this relentless heartbeat? The thyroid gland, in its role as the body’s regulator, also controls the rate at which the heart beats. If the thyroid gland is producing too much thyroid hormone, it can cause the heart rate to increase, leading to this symptom. The connection between the thyroid and the heart might not be commonly known, but it’s significant in diagnosing thyroid cancer. (9)