9. Jaundice: The Yellow Warning Sign of Burkitt Lymphoma

Jaundice, the visible transformation of your skin and the whites of your eyes into a striking shade of yellow, can indeed be an alarming symptom of Burkitt lymphoma. This chameleonic alteration is no illusion but a palpable sign of a deeper physiological issue.
The cause of jaundice in the context of Burkitt lymphoma could be two-pronged. First, as the lymphoma cells proliferate, they may infiltrate the liver, disrupting its normal functioning, including the breakdown of a substance called bilirubin. A buildup of bilirubin in the blood can lead to the yellowing of the skin and eyes, indicative of jaundice.
Second, Burkitt lymphoma can also lead to hemolytic anemia, a condition where red blood cells are destroyed faster than the body can replace them. This accelerated breakdown process can also result in elevated bilirubin levels, setting the stage for jaundice. (9)