9. Difficulty Swallowing: The Unspoken Struggle

The simple act of swallowing is something most people take for granted. But when you have linitis plastica, it can become a disconcerting challenge. The condition can lead to a symptom known as dysphagia, which is a medical term for difficulty swallowing. Although we often associate swallowing issues with the throat, it can sometimes be a gastric issue—especially when it comes to diseases that affect stomach lining rigidity.
The stomach is not just a reservoir for food; it’s also a critical part of the digestive tract that facilitates the movement of food to the intestines. When the walls of the stomach become thickened and less flexible due to linitis plastica, they can impede this transfer. As a result, even the act of swallowing can be compromised, as food has a harder time making its way through the digestive system.
What’s particularly intriguing about dysphagia as a symptom is the range of experiences it can cover. It can manifest as anything from a slight discomfort to a sensation of a “stuck” feeling in the chest or throat. Sometimes, you might find you’re coughing or choking more frequently during meals, or you may feel as though food is stuck in your chest, creating discomfort or even pain.(9)