Ten Symptoms that Ring Alarm Bells: Identifying Stage 2 Colorectal Cancer

10. Shortness of Breath: The Unexpected Culprit

Shortness of Breath The Unexpected Culprit

At first glance, you wouldn’t connect shortness of breath with colorectal cancer. After all, your lungs are quite removed from your digestive system. However, this unexpected symptom is not as far-fetched as it seems and warrants a closer look.

Here’s the fascinating connection: when colorectal cancer leads to iron-deficiency anemia, your red blood cell count drops. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout your body. A decrease in their numbers means less oxygen for your tissues and muscles, leading to shortness of breath even during minimal exertion.

This symptom might be among the most deceptive, as it directs your attention away from the actual problem area—your colon or rectum. It’s like a magician’s trick, diverting your eyes while the real action is happening elsewhere. The insidiousness of shortness of breath lies in its ability to masquerade as a symptom of less severe issues, such as anxiety or asthma.(10)

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