Ten Symptoms that Ring Alarm Bells: Identifying Stage 2 Colorectal Cancer

4. Unexplained Weight Loss: When Dropping Pounds Isn’t a Good Thing

Unexplained Weight Loss When Dropping Pounds Isn't a Good Thing

Who doesn’t get excited when they notice a dip in their weight? But before you start celebrating, let’s consider the dark side of unexplained weight loss, especially when linked to stage 2 colorectal cancer. If you’re shedding pounds without any effort, don’t jump for joy just yet.

So what’s the science behind this? When cancer invades your body, it’s like a parasite, siphoning off your energy and resources. This isn’t your typical weight loss due to dieting or exercise. In fact, you might even find yourself eating more than usual and still dropping weight.

Cancer cells are ravenous, consuming a disproportionate amount of nutrients and energy. They are essentially ‘greedy guests’ that leave less nourishment for the rest of your body. This creates a deficit, which is why you may find yourself inexplicably losing weight. (4)

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