Ten Symptoms that Ring Alarm Bells: Identifying Stage 2 Colorectal Cancer

8. Constipation: The Unmoving Crisis

Constipation The Unmoving Crisis

Constipation may appear mundane, something that everyone experiences at some point. But chronic constipation in the context of stage 2 colorectal cancer is a different beast altogether. This is not your run-of-the-mill constipation solved by a high-fiber diet or over-the-counter laxatives.

Here’s an eye-opener: tumors in the colon or rectum can act as physical barriers that impede the natural movement of feces. When this happens, it’s not just a lifestyle issue; it’s a mechanical problem. The tumor, growing like an unwelcome weed, is effectively altering the internal landscape of your digestive system.

The implication of this is profound. Many people who experience chronic constipation often don’t seek medical help, considering it a manageable inconvenience. They may try various home remedies or medications, unaware that the root cause might require surgical intervention. This delay can be both misleading and dangerous. (8)

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