8. Recurring Respiratory Infections: A Never-Ending Battle

Most people experience a common cold or bronchitis at least once a year. However, recurring respiratory infections could be a less-discussed symptom of adenocarcinoma of the lung. Imagine fighting off infection after infection, only to find that they keep coming back like a boomerang.
The intriguing aspect is how these infections manifest. They’re not your run-of-the-mill sniffles; they hang around longer, resist conventional treatment, and pack a punch. It’s like your immune system is stuck in a rut, unable to effectively combat these invaders.
Here’s where it gets tricky. The reason for these incessant infections isn’t just a weakened immune system but an immune system that’s preoccupied. It’s already dealing with the enormous task of combating cancer cells, leaving it less capable of warding off other intruders. You’re essentially fighting a war on two fronts. (8)