Symptom 6: Feeling Overly Full After Meals

It’s customary to feel content and satisfied after a hearty meal. But for those with a hiatal hernia, this sense of fullness can quickly escalate to an overwhelming, uncomfortable sensation. Instead of relishing the aftertaste of a delightful meal, they’re left grappling with a persistent feeling of being overly stuffed.
The mechanics behind this exaggerated fullness lie in the hernia’s nature. The protrusion of the stomach into the chest cavity can reduce its capacity, making it feel full sooner than usual. Additionally, the compromised function of the lower esophageal sphincter can hinder the efficient release of stomach gases, amplifying the sensation of bloating.
This exaggerated fullness can transform mealtime into a navigational challenge. Portion sizes might need recalibrating to prevent discomfort. Overindulgence becomes a real concern, not out of greed, but because of the body’s skewed fullness signals. Over time, this can lead to an aversion to food, potentially impacting nutritional intake.
To alleviate this excessive fullness, one needs to adopt a twofold approach. Firstly, understanding and adjusting portion sizes can prevent overfilling the stomach. Secondly, identifying foods that cause excessive gas or bloating and minimizing their intake can help. Eating slowly, taking the time to chew each bite, can also aid in better digestion and reduced gas. (6)