Symptom 7: Chronic Coughing

Coughing is the body’s natural reflex to clear obstructions or irritants from the throat. But when it turns chronic, it becomes more than just a simple reflex; it’s a constant disturbance. Those with a hiatal hernia might find themselves in this endless loop of persistent coughing, often without a clear external cause.
The root of this relentless coughing can often be traced back to acid reflux caused by the hernia. As stomach acid regurgitates into the esophagus, it doesn’t always stop there. Occasionally, small droplets can aspirate into the windpipe, irritating the airways and triggering a cough. Over time, this constant irritation can lead to an ever-present, nagging cough.
This chronic coughing can severely disrupt daily life. Simple activities like talking or laughing might trigger a coughing fit. Nights can become restless, with sleep interrupted by sudden bouts of coughing. Moreover, the continuous strain of coughing can lead to physical discomfort, like chest pain or even voice changes.
To truly address this cough, one must tackle its root cause: the acid reflux. Dietary changes, like avoiding spicy or acidic foods, can reduce reflux instances. Elevating the head while sleeping can prevent nighttime reflux, thus reducing coughing triggers. In more severe cases, medications or surgical interventions might be recommended. (7)