Symptom 8: Nausea or Vomiting

There’s nothing quite as unsettling as the feeling of nausea. It’s that queasy sensation, lurking just beneath the surface, threatening to disrupt any semblance of normalcy. For those contending with a hiatal hernia, nausea or even vomiting isn’t just an occasional ailment; it’s a recurrent adversary.
How does a hiatal hernia culminate in such a visceral response? The primary antagonist here is acid reflux. The stomach acid that pushes back into the esophagus not only causes heartburn but can also stimulate the nausea centers in the brain. In severe instances, this can progress to vomiting as the body attempts to expel the irritant.
Living with constant nausea feels like perpetually treading on thin ice. Plans become tentative, meals a gamble. The fear of an unexpected vomiting episode can overshadow social outings or work commitments. It’s not just about the physical discomfort but also the anxiety of unpredictability.
Combatting this symptom means addressing its root – the reflux. Dietary adjustments, such as smaller, frequent meals and avoiding trigger foods, can be beneficial. Maintaining an upright posture post meals and elevating the head during sleep can also deter reflux. In persistent cases, antacids or other medications might be recommended to neutralize stomach acid. (8)