The 10 Key Symptoms of Sialadenitis You Need to Know

Symptom 6: Dry Mouth

Dry Mouth

When you think of salivary glands, their primary role in moisture provision to the mouth comes to mind. But with sialadenitis, a distinct dryness permeates the oral cavity. This isn’t just an occasional lack of saliva; it’s a consistent parched feeling, making even simple acts like speaking or swallowing feel cumbersome.

This dry sensation, often referred to as xerostomia, disrupts the mouth’s natural balance. Saliva isn’t just for moisture; it aids in digestion, cleanses the oral cavity, and even helps combat germs. A reduced salivary flow compromises all these essential functions, leading to a heightened risk of dental issues.

One might wonder why sialadenitis, an inflammation of the salivary gland, results in reduced saliva. The inflamed gland often struggles to produce and release saliva efficiently, resulting in this dryness. Drinking water might provide momentary relief, but it doesn’t replace the essential functions of saliva.(6)

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