The 10 Key Symptoms of Sialadenitis You Need to Know

Symptom 7: Difficulty Swallowing or Opening the Mouth

Difficulty Swallowing or Opening the Mouth

Another telling symptom of sialadenitis is the challenge in performing basic oral functions, namely swallowing or even opening the mouth. This isn’t a mere stiffness; it’s a pronounced difficulty, making everyday activities like eating, talking, or yawning a challenge.

The swollen and inflamed salivary gland, especially if it’s the parotid gland located near the jaw, can restrict movement. The surrounding muscles might get strained due to the inflammation, resulting in this reduced mobility. For many, this can be both alarming and uncomfortable, leading to a reduced food intake or even communication challenges.

Furthermore, the act of swallowing involves several intricate movements, and the pain or swelling can disrupt this delicate choreography. Every gulp might feel like an ordeal, especially if the inflammation has led to a blockage or pus formation.

This symptom underscores the need for timely medical intervention. While it might be tempting to wait it out, persistent difficulty in swallowing or mouth movement can lead to complications. (7)

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