The 10 Key Symptoms of Sialadenitis You Need to Know

Symptom 9: Lymph Node Enlargement

Lymph Node Enlargement

The lymphatic system is the body’s defense force, always vigilant and ready to combat invaders. With sialadenitis, the nearby lymph nodes, especially those around the neck and jaw, might enlarge. This isn’t just a mild growth; it’s a noticeable lump or swelling, often tender to the touch.

Lymph nodes house white blood cells, the body’s warriors against infections. When they detect a threat, like the bacteria causing sialadenitis, they swell in response. While this might seem alarming, it’s a natural response, indicating that the body’s defense mechanisms are in full swing.

However, enlarged lymph nodes can cause discomfort, especially if they press against other structures. Monitoring these nodes is crucial, as they can provide insights into the infection’s progression or even other potential health issues.(9)

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