The 10 Leading Causes of Constipation: Why Things Get Held Up

Cause 10: Pregnancy


Pregnancy, while a miraculous and transformative period in a woman’s life, comes with its fair share of challenges. One such challenge many pregnant women face is constipation. Several factors during pregnancy contribute to constipation. Firstly, the surge in the hormone progesterone causes the muscles of the intestines to relax, slowing down the movement of food through the digestive tract. This delay gives the colon more time to absorb water from the food waste, leading to harder and drier stools.

As the pregnancy progresses, the growing uterus puts additional pressure on the intestines, further slowing down their movement. The increased pressure can also make it physically harder for women to evacuate their bowels.

Additionally, many prenatal vitamins contain iron, which can be constipating for some women. While iron is crucial during pregnancy to prevent anemia, its side effects can sometimes be challenging to handle. Lastly, the changes in diet, reduced physical activity, and the general stress and anxiety of impending motherhood can also play a role in causing constipation. (10)

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