The 10 Leading Causes of Constipation: Why Things Get Held Up

Cause 5: Medications and Supplements

Medications and Supplements

Medications and supplements, while beneficial for treating and preventing various health conditions, can sometimes be a double-edged sword. Many of them, unbeknownst to the consumer, have side effects that can disrupt the natural rhythm of our digestive system.

Prescription medications, especially certain types of antidepressants, antacids, blood pressure medications, and iron supplements, can be notorious culprits when it comes to constipation. These drugs can slow down the movement of the intestines or increase the water absorption, making stools harder and more challenging to pass.

For instance, antacids with calcium or aluminum can slow down the gut. Opioid pain medications, while effective for pain management, can significantly impact bowel function. The irony is that sometimes, the medications prescribed to treat one ailment can lead to another problem in the form of constipation.

Another lesser-known fact is the impact of iron and calcium supplements. While they’re essential for bone health and preventing anemia, in excess or in certain individuals, they can harden the stools. This is particularly noticeable in pregnant women who might be on prenatal vitamins rich in iron.(5)

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