The 10 Leading Causes of Constipation: Why Things Get Held Up

Cause 9: Aging


As the sands of time flow, many of our body’s processes begin to slow down, and our digestive system is no exception. Aging can bring about various physiological changes that make older adults more susceptible to constipation.

Firstly, with age, the metabolic rate decreases. This slowdown affects all bodily functions, including digestion. The natural muscular contractions of the intestines, responsible for moving waste, can become less frequent and less forceful. The result? Stool moves more slowly through the colon, leading to constipation.

Secondly, older adults often have a decreased appetite or might not drink adequate fluids. Reduced food intake can lead to less bulk in the intestines, making it harder for the bowels to get stimulated for a movement. Similarly, inadequate fluid intake can make the stool harder and more challenging to pass. (9)

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