3. Difficulty Swallowing: A Daily Struggle

Most of us never give a second thought to the act of swallowing, a reflex action performed countless times daily. For children with Leigh’s Syndrome, however, this seemingly simple action becomes a formidable challenge. The technical term for this symptom is dysphagia.
Initially, it may manifest as occasional coughing or choking during meals. With time, these episodes become more frequent.
Foods once loved might now be met with resistance. This isn’t out of mere fussiness; the child genuinely struggles to push food down the throat.
The consequences aren’t limited to mealtime frustrations. Consistent choking poses the risk of aspiration – when food particles enter the windpipe, potentially reaching the lungs, leading to dangerous complications. Moreover, the prolonged duration of meals coupled with inefficient swallowing can result in nutritional deficiencies, further complicating the child’s health landscape. (3)