5. Seizures: The Unpredictable Intruder

Nothing can quite prepare a parent for witnessing their child’s first seizure. The initial shock and terror are unimaginable. These seizures, while not exclusive to Leigh’s Syndrome, become a defining symptom for many patients. And the unpredictability of these episodes only adds to the distress.
It may start subtly: a slight twitching of the fingers or toes, an unexpected vacant stare lasting a few seconds, or unusual lip-smacking movements. To an untrained eye, these might not even register as seizure activity. However, as the syndrome advances, these episodes escalate both in intensity and duration.
Major seizures can be particularly harrowing. The child might lose consciousness, their muscles might stiffen, and they could experience jerking movements.
Post-seizure, the child could feel fatigued and disoriented. The emotional toll of these episodes, both on the child and the caregivers, is immense. Early diagnosis, regular monitoring, and appropriate interventions can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of these episodes. (5)