9. Poor Growth: A Battle for Every Inch and Pound

Every parent eagerly charts their child’s growth – celebrating every inch gained and every milestone achieved. But for children battling Leigh’s Syndrome, growth is a challenging terrain. It’s not just about being a few inches shorter or a couple of pounds lighter.
The root of this challenge lies in the cumulative impact of the symptoms discussed. Muscle wasting, respiratory challenges, and recurrent gastrointestinal episodes all contribute to a state of nutritional deficit. The child might exhibit a reduced appetite, further exacerbating the problem.
The impacts of stunted growth aren’t just physical. There’s a significant emotional and psychological toll.
Being noticeably smaller or weaker than peers can lead to self-esteem issues, social isolation, and a host of emotional challenges. Early intervention, dietary modifications, and supportive care can play a pivotal role in managing this symptom. (9)