The 10 Symptoms of Eczema Herpeticum Everyone Should Know

2. Fever and Flu-Like Symptoms: An Underlying Menace

Fever and Flu-Like Symptoms An Underlying Menace

When eczema herpeticum strikes, the body reacts. Fever, that common symptom we often brush aside, takes center stage. It’s not just a random fever; it’s the body’s way of signaling an internal battle against the invading herpes simplex virus.

Chills, body aches, and malaise often accompany this fever. It’s easy to mistake these for common flu. But in the context of eczema herpeticum, they are red flags. They indicate the body’s immune response to a dual onslaught – eczema and herpes.

The fever isn’t solitary. It brings along fatigue and a general sense of being unwell. For those observing, these signs shouldn’t be dismissed as mere flu symptoms. Especially in individuals with eczema, these could be precursors to eczema herpeticum. (2)

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