The 10 Symptoms of Eczema Herpeticum Everyone Should Know

4. Skin Erosions: The Physical Scarring

Skin Erosions The Physical Scarring

Post blister burst, what’s left behind isn’t pretty. The skin, once smooth, now showcases erosions. These raw areas, devoid of the outer skin layer, are painful and vulnerable to secondary infections.

The erosions paint a vivid picture. They’re evidence of the tumultuous battle between the skin and the virus. The skin, in places, loses this battle, leading to these eroded patches. They’re not just surface level; they signify depth, pain, and vulnerability.

While skin heals, these erosions need care. They’re susceptible to bacterial infections, which can further complicate matters. Keeping them clean and seeking medical intervention can speed up the healing process and prevent further complications. (4)

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