The 10 Symptoms of Eczema Herpeticum Everyone Should Know

7. Crusty Overgrowth: Nature’s Band-aid

Crusty Overgrowth Nature's Band-aid

Post blister burst, in some areas, a crusty layer forms. This isn’t a random occurrence. It’s the body’s attempt to protect the raw skin beneath. This crust, however, isn’t just a shield; it’s also a symptom of eczema herpeticum’s progression.

This overgrowth might seem innocuous. It’s dry, rough, and often mistaken for mere dry skin. But, its significance in the context of eczema herpeticum is profound. It’s a sign that the skin is trying to heal, albeit with the looming threat of the virus.

Care is crucial here. Picking or peeling off this crust can lead to further complications. The best course? Let it be, keep the area clean, and consult a dermatologist. The goal is healing without secondary infections. (7)

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