The 10 Symptoms of Eczema Herpeticum Everyone Should Know

9. Increased Sensitivity to Light: A Bright Problem

Increased Sensitivity to Light A Bright Problem

With the progression of eczema herpeticum, some individuals report an increased sensitivity to light, medically termed as photophobia. It’s not just the sun that becomes an adversary; even indoor lights can be bothersome.

The onset might be gradual. A slight discomfort in bright areas evolves into a painful experience under direct lighting. It’s not just a fleeting discomfort; the eyes genuinely struggle, leading to squinting, tearing, and a desire to remain in dimly lit areas.

While it’s easy to dismiss this as mere eye strain or fatigue, in the context of other symptoms, it’s crucial. Especially if accompanied by eye redness or vision disturbances, this light sensitivity becomes a beacon for medical attention. (9)

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