Sign 10: Swollen Lymph Nodes
The final sign in our list is swollen lymph nodes, particularly in the neck. Lymph nodes, small glands that make and store cells that fight infection, are located throughout the body, including the neck. In the presence of certain diseases, such as cancer, these nodes can swell.
Swollen lymph nodes in the context of thyroid cancer typically occur because the body is responding to the cancer cells’ presence. This symptom is particularly significant because, in thyroid cancer, the cancerous cells can spread to the lymph nodes, a process known as metastasis. This is more common in more aggressive types of thyroid cancer.
Feeling a swelling or lump on the side of the neck or under the jaw that was not present before can be a sign of swollen lymph nodes. It’s also important to note that these swollen nodes are typically not painful.
However, similar to other symptoms, swollen lymph nodes are not exclusive to thyroid cancer. Other infections or diseases can also cause the lymph nodes to swell. Hence, while swollen lymph nodes should not be ignored and should prompt a visit to the doctor, they are not a sure sign of thyroid cancer on their own. (10)