3. Skin Cysts: The Dermatological Clues of Gardner’s Syndrome
While the colon and bones might take center stage in the narrative of Gardner’s Syndrome, the skin too has its story to tell. Skin cysts, often epidermoid cysts, emerge as the dermatological markers of this condition.
These cysts, benign in nature, typically manifest as small lumps beneath the skin. They can appear anywhere on the body but are predominantly found on the face, neck, and chest.
The origin of these cysts lies in the epidermis, the skin’s outermost layer. When skin cells multiply rapidly and go deeper into the skin rather than shedding, these cysts are formed. The internal environment, filled with keratin, gives these cysts a semi-solid feel to the touch.
Now, you might wonder: If these cysts are benign and can appear in many individuals, what makes them significant in the context of Gardner’s Syndrome? The answer lies in their prevalence and association with other symptoms. In someone predisposed to the syndrome or showcasing other signs, the emergence of multiple skin cysts might not be mere coincidence. (3)