2. Vomiting Undigested Food: The Warning Bell

Imagine eating a hearty meal, only to find the very same, undigested food making an unwelcome reappearance hours later. Vomiting undigested food is more than just a physical discomfort; it’s a jarring reminder that the body’s natural processes are amiss.
While the immediate aftermath of such an episode is understandably distressing, the underlying implications run deeper. With the stomach not processing food efficiently, essential nutrients aren’t absorbed. Over time, this can lead to nutritional deficiencies, impacting overall health.
Apart from the evident discomfort of vomiting, this stage brings with it a slew of associated symptoms. Dehydration becomes a risk, given the frequent loss of fluids. This, coupled with a potential loss of appetite (who’d want to eat, expecting it to come back up?), can lead to weight loss, fatigue, and a weakened immune system. (2)