10. The Unwanted Gift of the Ancestors: Genetic Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy

In some cases, peripheral neuropathy is a hereditary condition, tracing its roots back to our genetic makeup. This form, known as hereditary neuropathy, is often overlooked but provides crucial insights into the genetics of nerve health.
Certain genetic mutations can make an individual more susceptible to nerve damage, leading to hereditary neuropathy. Conditions like Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and Dejerine-Sottas disease are notable examples of genetically inherited neuropathies.
The symptoms of these conditions often manifest early in life, and while they can be debilitating, early diagnosis can help manage their progression. The symptoms, from muscle weakness to balance problems, can span a wide range, depending on the specific gene affected.
Genetic counseling plays a vital role in understanding the risk of hereditary neuropathies, particularly for those with a family history of these conditions. Being aware of this risk allows for early detection and intervention, potentially slowing disease progression. (10)