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10. Dizziness: The Disorienting Side-Effect of Sun’s Embrace

Dizziness The Disorienting Side-Effect of Sun's Embrace

After an intense session under the sun, some individuals report a sense of dizziness, a feeling of being unsteady and disoriented. It’s as if the world spins slightly off its axis, throwing one’s sense of balance askew. This dizziness, often accompanied by a feeling of lightheadedness, is the body’s way of signaling its unease.

Dehydration and heat exhaustion are common culprits behind sun-induced dizziness. As the body loses essential fluids, blood volume can decrease, leading to a temporary drop in blood pressure. This dip means the brain might not receive its requisite supply of oxygen-rich blood, leading to feelings of dizziness.

But it’s not just about the physical mechanisms. Dizziness, in its essence, is a disconcerting sensation. It blurs the boundaries between the self and the environment. It serves as a reminder of our fragility, of our susceptibility to external influences. (10)

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