3. Itching Sensation: The Unyielding Urge

One of the most distressing symptoms accompanying photodermatitis is itching. It’s a sensation that demands attention, a persistent urge that refuses to be ignored. Imagine a nagging itch that seems unquenchable, relentlessly demanding you to scratch. This is the itch of photodermatitis.
So, what causes this maddening sensation? It’s the body’s inflammatory response at play. As the body releases histamines in the affected region, these compounds trigger itching. It’s as if the body is signaling something is amiss, and it uses itchiness as its messenger. But scratching, as instinctive as it might be, isn’t always the solution.
In fact, scratching often exacerbates the problem. It might offer momentary relief, but the act can further damage the skin, intensifying the inflammatory response. A vicious cycle ensues – the more you scratch, the itchier it gets. It’s like the skin’s version of quicksand; the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.(3)