3. Beyond the Lip: The Cleft Palate Connection

While the focus is often on the cleft lip, it’s essential to realize that it doesn’t always come alone. Cleft palate, a split in the roof of the mouth, frequently accompanies it. This duo can complicate matters further, as they together affect not just appearance but also crucial mouth functions.
A cleft palate arises when the two sides of a palate don’t merge as they should during pregnancy. This split can range from a small gap in the back of the mouth to a large one affecting both the hard and soft palate. This condition isn’t as immediately visible as a cleft lip, but its effects are just as profound.
When both cleft lip and palate occur together, it’s known as a ‘cleft lip and palate’—not the most inventive name, but descriptive. This combined occurrence can present challenges in feeding, speech, and even hearing. The structure of the mouth and nose is compromised, leading to functional concerns that demand attention. (3)