The Four Pillars of HFMD: What Every Caregiver Should Know

3. Outbreak of Rashes and Blisters: HFMD’s Signature Display

Outbreak of Rashes and Blisters HFMD's Signature Display

A curious thing about HFMD is its namesake: the appearance of rashes and blisters on the hands, feet, and inside the mouth. It’s a distinguishing feature that sets HFMD apart from many other viral infections. This stage typically begins with flat red spots, which can quickly develop into raised blisters.

The mouth, a primary site for these blisters, can present a challenging scenario. These sores can be painful, making eating or drinking a daunting task. Moreover, they don’t remain confined to the inner cheeks or tongue. They can spread to the gums and even the roof of the mouth, causing considerable discomfort.

Interestingly, while the mouth might bear the brunt of the outbreak, the palms of the hands and soles of the feet aren’t spared either. The appearance of rashes on these extremities is somewhat of a hallmark of HFMD. These rashes can feel itchy, but they’re generally not painful.

While the blisters and rashes make HFMD seem alarming, there’s a silver lining. The body’s immune system is in full swing, fighting off the virus. Over time, these blisters will begin to heal, and the rashes will fade. However, the journey of HFMD doesn’t end here, leading us to the next crucial stage. (3)

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