The Grave Realities of Measles (Rubeola) Complications

Complication 6: Liver Under Siege – Hepatitis

Liver Under Siege – Hepatitis

The liver, a multifunctional marvel, silently goes about its myriad tasks. Yet, when measles strikes, this silent worker faces a siege. Hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, emerges as a sinister side effect of the measles virus, turning the organ from a helper to a sufferer.

It begins subtly: a slight discomfort in the abdomen, perhaps a bout of nausea, or even fatigue. Jaundice might set in, giving the skin and eyes a yellowish tint. These are the body’s SOS signals, indicating the liver’s distress and the imperative need for medical attention.

The virus’s assault on the liver disrupts its functions. From processing nutrients, detoxifying the body, to producing vital bile, the ripple effects of hepatitis are far-reaching. A compromised liver can set off a cascade of issues in the body, further emphasizing the gravity of this complication.

Recovery from hepatitis depends on the severity. In many cases, the body rallies and fights off the inflammation, restoring the liver to its prime. Yet, in some cases, medical intervention becomes essential. Ensuring hydration, nutrition, and, if needed, medications, can pave the way to healing.(6)

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