The Grave Realities of Measles (Rubeola) Complications

Complication 8: Pregnancy Perils – Miscarriage and Low Birth Weight

Pregnancy Perils - Miscarriage and Low Birth Weight

Pregnancy is often depicted as a time of joy, hope, and anticipation. But when measles enters the equation, this blissful period can quickly be overshadowed by worry. The impact of the virus can be devastating, causing complications that extend far beyond the usual pregnancy concerns.

It’s a harsh reality, but measles can tip the balance from a hopeful expectancy to the anguish of a miscarriage. Women who contract measles during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, face an increased risk of losing their unborn child.

However, the threat doesn’t end with the possibility of miscarriage. Even if the pregnancy persists post-infection, the virus can impact the unborn child, leading to conditions like low birth weight. This isn’t merely about numbers on a scale; a reduced birth weight can have long-lasting implications on the child’s health, growth, and development.

Why does this happen? The measles virus can cause a high fever and other systemic issues in the mother, which can indirectly affect the fetus. Moreover, the body’s response to the infection can lead to a reduced supply of vital nutrients to the baby, contributing to the overall problem. (8)

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