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2. Persistent Fatigue: More than Just Everyday Tiredness

Persistent Fatigue More than Just Everyday Tiredness

We all get tired, right? Life is stressful, and sometimes eight hours of sleep feel like a luxury. But the fatigue we’re talking about here isn’t just your run-of-the-mill tiredness.

It’s a persistent, debilitating exhaustion that doesn’t go away with rest. Imagine feeling drained even after a full night’s sleep. This is one of the unsettling signs that could point towards SMZL.

Now, don’t get too alarmed; fatigue is a common symptom in many conditions. But coupled with other symptoms we’ll discuss later, it serves as a warning sign that shouldn’t be ignored.

Fatigue in the context of SMZL is often progressive. You might start with a subtle decline in energy and see it escalate to the point where completing everyday tasks feels like running a marathon.

Imagine going through your day feeling like you’re dragging a bag of bricks behind you. This kind of fatigue can affect your quality of life dramatically. (2)

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