The Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea Mortality: 10 Essential Facts Everyone Should Know

Fact 3: The Risk of Daytime Fatigue

The Risk of Daytime Fatigue

Imagine a night of constant disruptions, where every time you’re about to drift into deep sleep, you’re jolted awake. Now, magnify that across weeks, months, or even years. The result? Overwhelming daytime fatigue.

For someone with sleep apnea, the night is a series of awakenings they might not even remember. However, the body recalls and reacts. It’s denied the deep restorative phases of sleep, which are essential for feeling refreshed and alert the next day.

This consistent lack of deep sleep translates to daytime sleepiness, which is more than just drooping eyes. It affects cognitive abilities, making concentration, decision-making, and even holding a conversation challenging.

Moreover, this fatigue doesn’t just affect one’s professional life. Day-to-day tasks like driving become hazardous. The risk of falling asleep at the wheel escalates, putting both the individual and others in danger. In the end, it’s not just about a night of disrupted sleep. It’s about a life persistently overshadowed by weariness. (3)

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