The Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea Mortality: 10 Essential Facts Everyone Should Know

Fact 6: Liver Function – More Than Just a Filter

Liver Function - More Than Just a Filter

The liver, our silent worker, goes about its tasks with little fanfare. It detoxifies, aids digestion, and more. But with sleep apnea in the picture, its function can be compromised. One might wonder, how does a sleep disorder affect the liver? Research has shown a link between sleep apnea and liver issues. With repetitive oxygen deprivation, liver cells can undergo stress. Over time, this can escalate to conditions like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

But the liver’s woes don’t end there. With sleep apnea, there’s often an elevation in certain enzymes. These enzymes, indicative of liver damage, paint a troubling picture. They suggest that the liver isn’t merely strained; it’s actively being harmed.

What further complicates matters is the role of obesity. Many with sleep apnea are overweight. Excess fat, especially around the liver, can worsen liver function. It’s a vicious cycle – sleep apnea contributes to weight gain, which in turn aggravates liver issues.

Additionally, there’s the issue of inflammation. Sleep apnea, with its chronic interruptions, can trigger body-wide inflammation. The liver, already under stress, faces added strain from this inflammatory response. In summation, the liver and sleep apnea share a tumultuous relationship. One that underscores the importance of timely diagnosis and intervention for sleep apnea patients. (6)

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