The Inescapable Realm of Tardive Akathisia: 10 Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

2. Muscle Discomfort: An Invisible Agony

Muscle Discomfort An Invisible Agony

The second symptom to note in the scope of tardive akathisia is muscle discomfort. While less visible than the characteristic restlessness, it’s no less significant in its impact on the patient’s quality of life.

People with tardive akathisia often report experiencing an ongoing muscle discomfort that does not easily abate. This discomfort may manifest as an inexplicable sense of soreness or a feeling of tension coiled within the muscles.

In some instances, it might extend to a level of discomfort that borders on pain. The sensation is typically diffuse, not localized to any particular muscle group, further adding to the diagnostic challenge.

This symptom, like the restlessness, isn’t confined to the physical realm. The continual muscle discomfort can escalate into a source of ongoing mental distress, causing anxiety and stress. It’s not uncommon for patients to experience sleep disturbances due to the constant discomfort, leading to fatigue and further exacerbating mental health challenges.(2)

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