The LCDD Checklist: Identifying its Top 10 Symptoms

2. Fatigue: More Than Just Tiredness

Fatigue More Than Just Tiredness

Fatigue in the context of LCDD isn’t merely about feeling sleepy post-lunch or exhausted after a day out. It’s a profound, draining tiredness, almost as if an invisible weight constantly bears down, making even mundane tasks seem herculean.

The origin of this fatigue is multifold. As the light chains deposit in various organs, the body’s metabolic processes might get disrupted. Energy production might be hampered, making the individual feel persistently drained. This isn’t about laziness or lack of sleep. It’s a cellular-level tiredness that doesn’t easily recede with rest.

Mentally, too, this fatigue casts its shadow. It’s not uncommon for individuals to describe feelings of ‘brain fog’. Simple cognitive tasks, like remembering a name or focusing on a book, become challenging. The brain, in its wearied state, struggles to keep pace with even routine activities.

Externally, this fatigue might manifest in behavioral changes. Perhaps a decline in social interactions, or a reduced interest in hobbies. It’s a systemic exhaustion that dims the vibrancy of daily life, making everything seem monochromatic. (2)

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