The LCDD Checklist: Identifying its Top 10 Symptoms

6. Weight Loss: Unexplained and Unintended

Weight Loss Unexplained and Unintended

Most seek weight loss as a goal, but when it’s unplanned and unexplained, it becomes a cause for concern, especially in the context of LCDD. This isn’t about shedding a few pounds post a diet; it’s a significant drop, often without any discernible reason.

Digestion and metabolism undergo subtle shifts under LCDD’s influence. The body might not absorb nutrients as efficiently, leading to unintentional weight loss. Meals become a challenge, with perhaps a reduced appetite or an unexplained aversion to certain foods.

This weight loss is often insidious. Clothes might start fitting loosely, or there might be a noticeable decline in muscle mass. It’s a physical transformation that doesn’t come with the euphoria of achieving a weight goal.

Internally, this weight loss might be accompanied by a general sense of weakness. Energy reserves dip, and there might be an increased sensitivity to cold. It’s as if the body, in shedding weight, also sheds its protective layer against external elements.

Amidst the spectrum of LCDD symptoms, this unexplained weight loss stands out. It’s a tangible, visible marker of the changes happening within, a sign of the body’s relentless struggle against light chain deposits. (6)

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