The LCDD Checklist: Identifying its Top 10 Symptoms

7. Nausea and Loss of Appetite

Nausea and Loss of Appetite

Feeling queasy or having a reduced appetite aren’t necessarily alarming on their own. However, in the context of LCDD, they aren’t isolated symptoms. They’re intertwined, hinting at deeper internal disturbances, especially involving the gastrointestinal system.

Light chains, when they invade the digestive tract, can throw its rhythm out of sync. The stomach, usually a robust organ, might rebel, leading to persistent feelings of nausea. This isn’t the occasional upset stomach; it’s a consistent discomfort, making every meal a challenge.

With nausea reigning supreme, the appetite naturally takes a hit. Foods that once seemed enticing now seem unpalatable. There’s a lingering taste in the mouth, often metallic, that sours the joy of eating.

However, this reduced appetite isn’t just about taste preferences. It’s also about how the body reacts post meals. Perhaps there’s bloating, or an unusual fullness, even after a small meal. The digestive system, once efficient, now seems sluggish, almost burdened.

In the orchestra of LCDD symptoms, nausea and loss of appetite play a poignant tune. They highlight the intricate dance between taste, digestion, and well-being, and how quickly this balance can be upset by light chain deposits. (7)

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