The LCDD Checklist: Identifying its Top 10 Symptoms

8. Nervous System Symptoms: The Unseen Impact

Nervous System Symptoms The Unseen Impact

The nervous system, a complex web of neurons and synapses, isn’t immune to LCDD’s reach. When light chains deposit in the nervous system, the effects are varied, often mystifying, and always concerning.

The first sign might be tingling, especially in the extremities. It’s a sensation that’s hard to pin down, almost as if ants are marching up and down the limbs. This isn’t the occasional foot falling asleep; it’s a persistent, nagging feeling.

Beyond the tingling, there might be moments of sharp, shooting pains. These electric jolts, often unpredictable, can disrupt daily life. The pain might be fleeting, but its impact lingers, casting a shadow of apprehension.

For some, the nervous system’s involvement is more profound. There might be episodes of unexplained dizziness or a sudden loss of balance. The world seems to tilt, and there’s a disorienting sensation, as if the ground is slipping away.

Cognitively, too, the nervous system’s struggles become evident. There might be lapses in memory or moments of confusion. It’s a foggy state, where thoughts seem to slip away, just out of grasp.(8)

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