The Lichen Planus Landscape: 15 Dominant Details

14. Lichen Planus and the Sun: A Photographic Phasing

Lichen Planus and the Sun A Photographic Phasing

At first glance, the idea of sunlight playing a role in LP might seem unlikely. However, delve a bit deeper, and a curious connection unfolds. The dance between ultraviolet (UV) rays and LP’s presentation is both intriguing and enlightening.

Some patients report that their LP lesions darken post sun exposure. Known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, this is where the sun intensifies the pigmentary response. The result? A patchwork of varying skin tones that can be visually striking.

On the flip side, limited cases suggest sunlight might trigger LP or exacerbate its symptoms. Dubbed ‘photo-aggravated LP’, this rare variant demonstrates how the sun’s rays can sometimes be more foe than friend.

But sunlight isn’t all mischief. UV therapy, an established dermatological treatment, has shown promise in alleviating LP symptoms. By harnessing specific UV wavelengths, dermatologists can modulate the skin’s immune response, potentially reducing inflammation and itching.(14)

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